About Us

But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. Proverbs 4:18

We are a congregation of believers endeavoring to follow the Lord Jesus with our lives. We believe the Bible is for us today and not just for when it was written. It is our desire to be a blessing and channel that God can work through to bring glory and honor to Jesus Christ.

We are a sister congregation to Faith Christian Fellowship in Dundee, Ohio, and Bethlehem Christian Fellowship in Warsaw, Ohio. In 2015, Shining Light was formed as a church plant by Faith Christian Fellowship. Shining Light Christian Fellowship is a part of the Agape Fellowship.

We hope this website can be a blessing and an encouragement as you listen and read. Our CDs and MP3s are not copyrighted, so feel free to use them as you please. If these materials can be used for the salvation of more souls and be an encouragement, Glory be to God.